
姓名:周杰韩 性别:男 学历:博士

职称:教授 办公室:J13-202 隶属部门:物联网工程



立博官网中文登录网站, 立博, 教授。周杰韩教授现为立博教授,国际教育科研交流合作部主任,芬兰奥卢大学电子与信息工程系兼职教授(Docent)。分别于2000年获华中科技大学机械自动化博士学位、2011年获芬兰奥卢大学计算机工程博士学位,曾在清华大学、芬兰国家技术研究院VTT、法国国家计算机自动化研究院INRIA、卢森堡国家科技研究院LIST、奥卢大学Oulu、多伦多大学Toronto等国际知名大学研究院所工作,拥有20年以上的国际科研企业经历,历任资深科学家,团队负责人,实验室主任,航天科工集团航天云网德国总经理,加拿大华为研究院高级工程师,华中科技大学等多所中国大学客座教授。先后承担参与多项中国、欧盟、加拿大科技项目,包括欧盟科学院ERCIM学者项目、欧盟FP6计划-Amigo项目、欧盟ITEA4-CAM4Home项目等。在智能制造,系统建模与仿真,工业互联网,工业大数据、工业大模型、数字孪生等领域发表论文百余篇。
Dr Jiehan Zhou is a Professor and Director of International Education and Research Programs at the School of Computer Science at Shandong University of Science and Technology and a Docent in the Department of Electronics and Information Engineering at the University of Oulu, Finland. He has a rich academic background and professional experience, having obtained a Ph.D. in Mechanical Automation from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2000 and a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Oulu, Finland in 2011. He has worked at renowned research institutes and universities such as Tsinghua University, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, INRIA in France, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), University of Oulu, and University of Toronto, Canada with over 20 years of international research experience across three continents. He has held positions such as Senior Scientist, Team Leader, Laboratory Director, General Manager of an Industrial Internet company in Germany, and Principal Engineer at a Research Institute on Cloud Computing in Canada. He also serves as a visiting professor at several Chinese universities, including Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Professor Jiehan Zhou has conducted extensive research in intelligent manufacturing, system modeling and simulation, industrial internet, and industrial big data analysis, achieving remarkable accomplishments in both academic and industrial fields. He has undertaken and participated in numerous Chinese, Canadian, European Union projects, including the ERCIM Fellowship Programme, the EU FP6 Amigo Project, and the EU ITEA4-CAM4Home Project.

Laboratory Introduction:
Please visit the website of the Lab of Cognitive Industrial Digital Twins at CogTwins:https://cogtwins.github.io/



认知型工业数字孪生实验室网址请访问:CogTwins Lab

Please visit the website of the Lab of Cognitive Industrial Digital Twins at CogTwins:CogTwins Lab



(1) 2006-09 至 2011-12, 奥卢大学University of Oulu, 计算机工程, 博士 

(2) 1995-09 至 2000-12, 华中科技大学, 机械制造及其自动化, 博士 


(1) 2010-10 至 2011-12, 加拿大多伦多大学University of Toronto 

(2) 2003-09 至 2004-06, 法国国立计算机及自动化研究院INRIA(Sophia-Antipolis)

(3) 2003-01 至 2003-10, 芬兰 VTT 技术研究中心(Oulu)

(4) 2001-01 至 2002-12, 清华大学自动化系


(1) 2024-01 至 2028-12, 立博官网中文登录网站, 立博, 教授

(2) 2018-10 至 2023-12, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, Information Technology and Electronics Engineering, 副教授 

(3) 2020-06 至 2023-10, Huawei Canada Research Institute, Toronto, Canada, Cloud Business Unit, 研究员 

(4) 2019-01 至 2020-05, CASICloud Germany, Frankfurt, Germany, 中国航天科工集团航天云网(德 国), 研究员

(5) 2015-10 至 2018-12, University of Oulu, Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, 研究员

(6) 2013-09 至 2015-09, Algonquin College,Ottawa, Canada, Information and Communication Technology, 教授

(7) 2007-09 至 2013-08, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, 研究员 

(8) 2004-09 至 2007-08, VTT, Telecommunications, 研究员 


(1) 科技部(MOST), 国家重点研发计划网络协同制造与智能工厂专项, 基于开放架构 的云制造关键技术与平台研发 – 子课题名称:基于边缘计算的云制造资源/能力接入技术研究, 2019-03 至 2022-02

(2) 科技部(MOST), 政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项(中芬), 互联网工厂运行状 态分析预测与优化研究及应用, 2019-11 至 2021-10

(3) 科技部(MOST), 政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项(中德), 智慧云制造服务研 究与示范工厂, 2018-01 至 2020-12


(1) Quanbo Lu; Xinqi Shen; Jiehan Zhou; Mei Li ; MBD-Enhanced Asset Administration Shell for Generic Production Line Design, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2024, 54(9): 5593-5605

(2) Tiantian Lu; Jianbin Xiong; Jiehan Zhou; Qi Wang; jian Cen; Minghui Liu; Qinghua Zhang; Qingyun Dai; Tong Zhang; Juntao Zhang ; Bearing Fault Diagnosis Using Multi-Channel Broad Learning System Based on Positive-Negative Weighted Voting Mechanism, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2024, 73

(3) Jiehan Zhou; Shouhua Zhang; Mu Gu ; Revisiting Digital Twins: Origins, Fundamentals, and Practices, Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2022, 9(4): 668-676

(4) Jianli Zhao; Xijiao Geng; Jiehan Zhou; Qiuxia Sun; Yu Xiao; Zeli Zhang; Zhengbin Fu ; Attribute Mapping and Autoencoder Neural Network Based Matrix Factorization Initialization for Recommendation Systems, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2019, 166(166): 132-139

(5) Jiehan Zhou; Qinghua Lu; Wenbin Dai; Ray Y. Zhong ; Guest Editorial: Special Section on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics for Cloud Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 2022: 1-3
