姓名:李智恒 性别:女 学历:博士研究生
职称:讲师 办公室:J13-222 隶属部门:人工智能系
李智恒,博士,讲师。2014年和2020年于大连理工大学分别获得学士学位和博士学位,2018年1月-2019年1月赴美国德州大学健康科学中心交流学习。2020年10月在立博官网中文登录网站任职。主要从事自然语言处理、文本挖掘方向研究,主要利用深度学习进行生物医学相关文本的知识挖掘、信息抽取等研究。发表SCI、EI检索论文十余篇。担任《JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION》期刊审稿人。 电子邮箱:zhihengli@sdust.edu.cn 联系方式:15142424835(手机号、微信号),1285097055(QQ号)
[1] Zhiheng Li, Zhihao Yang, Lei Wang, Yin Zhang, Hongfei Lin, and Jian Wang. Lexicon Knowledge Boosted Interaction Graph Network for Adverse Drug Reaction Recognition from Social Media. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2020. (SCI检索,中科院: 二区,CCF C类期刊)
[2] Zhiheng Li, Zhihao Yang, Ling Luo, Yang Xiang, and Hongfei Lin. Exploiting Adversarial Transfer Learning for Adverse Drug Reaction Detection from Texts. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2020, 103431. (SCI检索,中科院: 二区,CCF C类期刊)
[3] Zhiheng Li, Zhihao Yang, Yang Xiang, Ling Luo, Yuanyuan Sun, and Hongfei Lin. Exploiting sequence labeling framework to extract document-level relations from biomedical texts. BMC bioinformatics 21 2020, 21, 1-14. (SCI 检索; 中科院: 四区; ESI Top期刊; CCF C类期刊)
[4] Zhiheng Li, Zhihao Yang, Chen Shen, Jun Xu, Yaoyun Zhang, and Hua Xu. Integrating shortest dependency path and sentence sequence into a deep learning framework for relation extraction in clinical text. BMC medical informatics and decision making. 2019, 19(1): 22. (SCI 检索; 中科院: 三区)
[5] 李智恒, 桂颖溢, 杨志豪, 林鸿飞, 王健. 基于生物医学文献的化学物质致病关系抽取. 计算机研究与发展. 2018, 55(1): 198-206. (EI检索; 中文CCF A类期刊)
[6] Zhiheng Li, Zhihao Yang, Hongfei Lin, Jian Wang, Yingyi Gui, Yin Zhang, and Lei Wang. CIDExtractor: A chemical-induced disease relation extraction system for biomedical literature. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). 2016: 994-1001. (EI检索; CCF B类会议)
[7] Chen Shen, Hongfei Lin, Zhiheng Li, Zhengguang Li, Yonghe Chu, Zhihao Yang. Graph-boosted Framework for Adverse Drug Event Detection from Twitter. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). 2020. (EI检索; CCF B类会议)
[8] Qiang Wei, Zongcheng Ji, Zhiheng Li, Jingcheng Du, Jingqi Wang, Jun Xu, Yang Xiang et al. A study of deep learning approaches for medication and adverse drug event extraction from clinical text. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2020, 27(1): 13-21. (SCI 检索; 中科院: 二区; CCF B类期刊)
[9] Jun Xu, Zhiheng Li, Qiang Wei, Yonghui Wu, Yang Xiang, Hee-Jin Lee, Yaoyun Zhang, Stephen Wu, and Hua Xu. Applying a deep learning-based sequence labeling approach to detect attributes of medical concepts in clinical text. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2019, 19(5): 236. (SCI 检索; 中科院: 三区)
[10] Wei Zheng, Hongfei Lin, Zhiheng Li, Xiaoxia Liu, Zhengguang Li, Bo Xu, Yijia Zhang, Zhihao Yang, and Jian Wang. An effective neural model extracting document level chemical-induced disease relations from biomedical literature. Journal of biomedical informatics, 2018, 83: 1-9. (SCI 检索; 中科院: 三区; CCF C类期刊)
[11] Xiaofang Wu, Zhihao Yang, Zhiheng Li, Yuanyuan Sun, Hongfei Lin, and Jian Wang. Deep graph search based disease related knowledge summarization from biomedical literature. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). 2014: 505-505. (EI检索, CCF B类会议)
2020.10-至今 立博官网中文登录网站(立博) 讲师
2016.01-2020.09 大连理工大学(计算机应用技术) 博士
2018.01-2019.01 美国德州大学健康科学中心 国家公派留学
2014.09-2016.06 大连理工大学(计算机应用技术) 硕士(硕博连读)
2010.09-2014.06 大连理工大学(计算机科学与技术) 学士